What Is a Person Supposed to Think About While Meditating

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Knowing what to do with your wandering thoughts is perhaps the greatest challenge for meditators.

At my offset formal interview with Suzuki Roshi, I didn't know what to say. Perhaps I really could not think of what to say, or nothing I was thinking was worth saying. I was young and sincere, and I wanted to brand a proficient impression. After a couple of minutes of sitting quietly facing each other, I began to relax and Suzuki took the initiative.

"How's your meditation?"

"Not so good," I replied.

"What's non so skillful?"

"I'm thinking a lot."

"And what'south the problem with thinking?" he asked.

That stumped me. When I looked directly for the problem with thinking, I couldn't find it. My fallback position was to tell him the practice'due south and don'ts of meditation.

"You lot're non supposed to think in meditation," I said. "You're supposed to placidity your mind."

"Thinking is pretty normal, don't you think?"

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I had to agree with the Roshi, who then explained that the problem with thinking was not thinking per se, just thinking that was stuck.

When people tell me meditation is "difficult," what they really hateful is that quieting their minds or stopping their thinking is what'south difficult. And just as I was as a new student, they are extremely reluctant to examine the issue more than carefully. It's not so simple. And when it is non simple, the simplest approach is to stick to the rules.

I've known people who have seriously devoted themselves to "not-thinking," and when I ask them if they chosen to let their friends know that they would be late, they say, "No, I didn't think of that." This is not a new phenomenon. An old Chinese Zen Master once said, "Some of you are taking me literally when I say, 'Don't recall,' and yous are making your minds like a rock. This is a cause of insentiency and an obstruction to the Way. When I say non to think, I hateful that if you take a thought, think null of it."

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Mind Confronting Mind

The capacity to recall is an essential element of our lives. We demand to program, brand decisions, and communicate. The trouble is not that nosotros recollect but that we haven't had a truly new thought for almost of our lifetime. In other words, our thinking is stock-still.

For example, once I believe no ane likes me, exercise y'all think I'm going to let anything change my mind? No manner. I can explain any contradictory evidence: Y'all don't know me well enough; if you actually knew me, you wouldn't like me; y'all are just pretending to similar me so you can get something out of me. Thinking tends to exist for and against—and to be intolerant of thoughts that do not patently concur. This is frequently referred to as "the affliction of the listen is to ready heed confronting mind."

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Rather than eliminate thinking, you lot could say that one of the basic skills to develop in meditation is to be able to hold and sustain contradictory thoughts—calming the impulse to eliminate the opposition. I obvious example has to practice with sitting all the same. You lot want to sit down nonetheless, so can you have the thought to move and go on sitting still? Or do y'all accept to do what the thought says?

If sitting still means eliminating the thought of moving, you may find meditation difficult—because the way to remove thoughts is to tighten muscles, and this makes sitting quite painful. Belongings on to a thought, such as, "I am not going to move," also tightens muscles. This is what you are busy doing a proficient bargain of the time, so if y'all are serious about releasing and calming the body and the mind, thoughts are going to be popping upwards 1 after the other. The trick is not to heed.

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Y'all could say that the point of meditation is to liberate thinking, and agreement this, you are ready to examine what to practice with thinking during meditation. There are ii basic strategies. 1 is to do something other than thinking and to employ your thinking to help accomplish that. The other is to give your thinking something to practice other than what it ordinarily does.

It's important to proceed in heed that the goal is non to eliminate your thinking. I hear this all the fourth dimension: "I'thou and so sick and tired of my thinking. I only want to get rid of it in one case and for all." Your thinking knows you want to get rid of it, so it is going to cling to yous for all it's worth.

And then what practise you do with thinking during meditation? This first strategy, which is basic to Buddhism, especially Zen, emphasizes posture and breathing. With free energy and delivery, requite your attention fully to them rather than to your thinking.

This means emphasizing a straighter spine, including the minor of the back curved slightly in and the neck long. But don't exist shy about asking your thinking to lend a hand when needed. Is the cervix shortening and the chin jutting forward? That'southward a reddish flag that thinking is in total blossom, and when your thinking notices that, lengthen your cervix. You can too accept your thinking count the breaths, say on the exhalation, or notation the jiff every bit it proceeds in and out.

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meditating woman chanting

Whatsoever Questions?

The 2d strategy involves giving your thinking a chore. Good ways of doing this include koan study, the vipassana do of noting, and whatsoever host of other creative endeavors. For instance, you could challenge your thinking with specific questions, such as, "What was your original face earlier your parents were born?" (Chew on that for a while.) Or y'all could do taking mental notes, every bit appropriate: "thinking," "judging," "planning," "remembering," "anger," "joy," "seeing," or "hearing."

There is also the koan of daily life: Ask your thinking, "What is information technology you lot really want?" or "What is the nigh important point?" Any one of these activities can keep thinking occupied. In a sense, what you are doing is inviting your thinking to join you lot in meditation rather than trying to exclude it. This is like to how yous might work with a young child, explaining, "Hither'south what we are doing, meditating, and I would like you lot to assist me by observing posture, sensing the breath, or whatever it is nosotros are focusing on."

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A tertiary approach is to brand a bargain with your thinking: Leave me lone for now and I'll check back with y'all later. The cloak-and-dagger here is that yous are non trying to get rid of your thinking permanently, merely temporarily. This is like to the parent-child model: "Listen sweetheart, I am really decorated right now, so please don't bother me. Could yous play by yourself for awhile? And after we will play together." You directly inquire your thinking to leave you lonely—to append judgment, gossip, and commenting so you can meditate—and concord to get together afterwards to listen to what your thinking has to say.

Simply even with this approach, your thinking frequently can be very suspicious. I learned how to deal with this obstacle from a speech consultant when I had trouble expressing myself at meetings.

"Tell me what you lot wanted to say," she prompted.

"I can't." When she wondered why not, I explained: "My thinking won't allow me. It says it won't exist expert plenty."

She offered some instructions: "Inquire your thinking to go into the room adjacent door while you talk, and promise that y'all volition check dorsum with information technology when yous are done."

"It won't go."

"There's a television in that location."

"It doesn't believe I'll check dorsum."


"It still won't get," I lamented.

"Shut the door! Strength information technology shut!" she insisted.

Finally, I told her what I had wanted to say at the meeting. "Now, let's ask your thinking what it thought," she said. My thinking was pleased and relieved to be consulted: "That was rather proficient," it told me. But my speech consultant wasn't finished. "And now permit's ask your thinking if information technology has whatever suggestions for comeback?"

My thinking was so pleased and politely responded, "You lot might have tried this or emphasized that a picayune more."

This was a fundamental shift from the more habitual approach of simply telling my thinking to go away and not "bother" me. Hither, I asked my thinking to be quiet so as to closely notice what was happening—and so tell me about information technology.

Always be mindful that you and your thoughts are aiming to discover engaging, creative, enjoyable ways to meditate—as well as ways to live, awaken, and benefit each other. Recollect of your thinking not equally an adversary but equally a spiritual friend.

See as wellTwenty-four hour period 17: A Meditation to Cheque Your Ego

About Our Autho

Edward Espe Chocolate-brown is a Zen priest and the writer of The Tassajara Bread Book and Tomato Blessings and Radish Teachings.


Source: https://www.yogajournal.com/meditation/thoughts-on-thinking/

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