Will Finger Bend Again After Mallet Finger
What was the cause of your mallet finger? Submit Your Annotate
Annotate from: RJ, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: Oct 20
Cleaning the carpet and hearing a very loud popular, I looked at my hand and my middle right finger was droopy and couldn't straighten. No pain whatsoever from the mallet finger. I spent 12 weeks in a taped splint 24/vii and at present been in the oval splint for 2 weeks. It tin can curve slightly now and stays adequately straight simply will never look like my other fingers again. I have developed a lot of hurting on the top of the joint where there's at present a bump and hurts to curve yet. Virtually annoying injury ever, I'd rather just cut information technology off at this point.
Comment from: wolowl, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: October 05
I got my mallet finger when I fell over my blackness dog in the night without glasses on. I caught myself somehow to not hurt the dog. This centre finger finish articulation hurts like crazy. I had to change splint because I tin can't stand up something over the red inflamed circumvolve around the joint. It hurts worse than when I broke my wrist or toes.
Comment from: Dave, 45-54 Male (Patient) Published: October 22
A football striking my fingers, fractured two fingers at the get-go knuckle and both have detached tendons. I'm on calendar week 4 of splints, and it is still painful with nerve sort of stinging pains on the top of the fingers. The fingers seems to exist straight, not drooping, when I clean splints. Similar other said I am admittedly dreading having the splints off in case I knock them! I've been told it could exist 6-eight months before I could grip a golf society. There is a l/50 chance of how the tendons repair or whether they remain mallet fingers.
Annotate from: Ella, 65-74 (Patient) Published: September 18
I was cleaning the drinking glass window too hard, and the result, a mallet finger. I had to go to the physiotherapist, who gear up my finger curving towards me and not straight. Wonder if anyone else has had this.
Comment from: Pegasus, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: September 15
I simply tucked my true cat's coating into the sofa, had a sudden hurting and was told a ligament snapped. My splint is off and the mallet finger is nonetheless sore and red. I wake upwardly with information technology stiff and exercise makes information technology worse. I find the cold sea gives relief. I wear wetsuit gloves for back up. It's been 14 weeks and I am not going to splint equally it is likewise sore. The DIP (distal interphalangeal) joint dips more than equally the day progresses. Due to COVID restrictions there is no follow up appointment.
Comment from: Frodo, 45-54 Male (Patient) Published: August 26
Canning pickles acquired my mallet finger! I reached into the jar to adapt the baby cucumbers, must take bent my left ring finger on the jar while reaching in (the cucumbers were in ice then my finger was cold). No pain, felt like a cramp in the front of the finger, at the base. Six weeks in a figure 8 type splint, joint is super stiff, finger droops slightly but I can move it up and down. The articulation is getting better with rehabilitation, I promise the finger eventually straightens out.
Comment from: roberto, 65-74 Male person (Patient) Published: July 14
I was in Mexico, I pressed on a faulty cablegram, information technology collapsed at an bending, and my middle finger tendon but under the nail completely separated from the os. It was totally limp. A local orthopedist told me to splint my mallet finger, which I did for four months. It'south now attached but bent and the finger is bloated at the 2nd articulation. Neither ice nor practise seems to help.
Annotate from: JennJenn, 45-54 Female person (Patient) Published: May 29
I am unsure what caused my mallet finger. I practise know it hurts worse now at week ix after splinting, than before. I am in so much hurting.
Comment from: Cgb, 25-34 Female person (Patient) Published: May 12
I got a mallet finger jamming my finger in a burn down door. I had to have the blast bed stitched back together, and had cleaved the bone at the tip of my finger. I however can't feel my finger.
Comment from: Patstin, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: May 01
I developed a mallet finger playing volleyball. I wore a splint for ix weeks and still had a droopy fingertip and swelling with strong secondary articulation. I was brash past my doctor to wear splint for 2 more than weeks, but information technology still was droopy after the 2 weeks. Afterwards contacting him again, I was advised to vesture the splint for 4 more weeks. Today, I have taken the splint off and finger is nonetheless droopy, very stiff, bloated, and slightly sore. It has been a total of 14 weeks with this injury and I am worried.

Pictures of the vii Riskiest Workout Moves, and How to Meliorate Them See SlideshowComment from: Sad injury, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: March 31
My mallet finger has been in a splint for 3 weeks and is all the same painful, and wondering if this is mutual. My tendons are torn and also fractured it. I was doing burpees, caught my finger on the mat as I was going downwards and fell on information technology as it was bent in towards my trunk.
Comment from: Boyet615, 55-64 Male (Patient) Published: September xix
I yanked a seat cushion, and had no hurting or swelling, still the tip of my right finger bent. I noticed it when I put my hands in my jean pocket. I went to the hand specialist and he had me wearable a splint for my mallet finger with strict instructions not to bend it for 6 weeks.
Comment from: Kelly, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: August 06
Tucking the cushions into the burrow I crunched my finger that caused my mallet finger. I didn't see a medico right away because everybody said they'd just buddy tape it, so I did that for a few days. It felt a lot improve later on a couple days, but I couldn't get it to curve upward when I straightened it. I went to the md. He did an ultrasound. The tendon is stretched, simply zippo broken. I have to wear a splint with an angle at the end to keep my finger bent upwards for 6 weeks. It's been 2 weeks, it is swollen, but so far then good.
Comment from: Emma, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: July 02
On April the thirteen I got bitten by a horse on my fingertip which had lost a little os, and there was some bone sticking out. By Monday 15 Apr they operated on it by making a flap to brand a new fingertip and cut away a fleck of the exposed os. That office has held at present, and I have to sleep with finger in splint at dark. I am going to encounter the therapist. My finger move has improved a lot only information technology is still bent and I have a mallet finger, and then on Wednesday, the 26th, they put a plaster cast on and I have to become back on 4th and meet her. Simply I not sure what plaster cast.
Annotate from: Musicman, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: June 28
The ball hitting my left ring finger while playing basketball and acquired my mallet finger.
Comment from: Chris, 35-44 Male (Patient) Published: May 08
I was undoing my pants, my finger slipped, got bumped, and... oh, it didn't hurt, but wouldn't straighten out. A few days later I got x-rays and it wasn't broken, but I was referred to a paw surgeon who has put me in a finger splint for mallet finger for the side by side 8 weeks. Totally unexpected and a surprisingly big problem for how piece of cake it was to bump the tendon out. Fun!
Comment from: Imogen, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: April xviii
Information technology seems cleaning floors and carpets are really bad for your fingers. Don't do it kids! I'1000 merely out of my full splint for mallet finger, today afterward viii weeks, just have some other 4 nocturnal. Because I'm an artist... I feel I may demand back up at 'heavy use times' and am planning a prettier silver splint ring for such occasions. There was no pain from the original injury but my finger feels achy now the splint is off, with a precipitous pain at the pinnacle which I can only guess as the shortened mended tendon.
Comment from: vonMC, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: March 29
I was cleaning a spill off a bed, heard a pop and noticed my middle right finger bent downwards, followed past swelling and pain. I have seen a manus specialist for the mallet finger and had to wearable a splint for weeks. I'yard withal in treatment, but from the looks of it my finger will always exist slightly deformed.
Comment from: Alan111, 45-54 Male (Patient) Published: March 14
Like one of the earlier posts, I was cleaning a carpeting when my center finger (right hand) got caught and the tendon snapped, so I went straight to the hospital where they diagnosed mallet finger. During the beginning ii weeks of wearing the splint it bent over so I had to start all over again. Last calendar week after 6 weeks in the splint the doctor reckoned it was ok just it went back to the original mallet shape. And then another eight weeks with it on! Actually hoping information technology heals this time, otherwise it might be an performance.
Comment from: DD, 55-64 Female (Caregiver) Published: Baronial 15
My cat bunny-kicked me. He was fighting with another cat, and I reached for his back legs to pull him away. Unfortunately, I just grabbed i leg, and his powerful kick landed on the distal phalanx of my lilliputian finger. Ouch! I chose to wear a splint rather than surgery, simply now 3 months later the mallet finger has not healed, and has affected my carpal tunnel. Guess information technology's time to see the surgeon. That'southward another type of ouch!
Comment from: DRDE, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: Baronial 14
I was cleaning a diet Pepsi spill out of my carpet. The first scrub forward and I heard a popular, information technology was the centre finger, right hand. The stop of my finger was hanging down and on the top was a white spot. The spot felt similar a sharp os when I touched it. I went to the doctor. He said it was a torn ligament and a small fracture. I am wearing a splint but my finger slips downward the splint every time I get my paw wet.
Annotate from: jenniferb, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: July 24
I was cleaning a spot on the carpet and the tip of my right hand center finger bent downwards. I heard a crack like when your knuckle cracks. I did this well-nigh 3 months agone. I went to the emergency room to get x-rays right later on it happened. I fabricated an date with an orthopedic doc and was put in a splint for mallet finger and wore it all of the time but my finger didn't heal. I'm having surgery in about a calendar week to repair the tendon and have a pivot put in. I hope this fixes it one time and for all.
Comment from: Opin8d1, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: June 22
In April, 2018, I injured my correct middle finger while trying to clean a spot on the seat of my car. I heard a loud pop, my fingertip started hanging over and I had swelling but no pain. I idea it was broken so went to the emergency room aforementioned day and was diagnosed with mallet finger. X-ray was taken and determined I had a torn tendon. I was given a splint and advised to see a mitt specialist as shortly every bit possible. The manus specialist issued a different type of splint and advised me to wear information technology for half dozen to eight weeks. After viii weeks, my follow-up treatment includes wearing splint at dark just for another two to iii weeks. My fingertip is still slightly droopy and I have minor swelling.
Annotate from: Louis, 55-64 Male person (Patient) Published: April 26
I was cleaning the forepart seat in my car with a microfiber towel when I heard a sound like my knuckle cracking, except a little louder and more than defined. The tip of my correct manus center finger dropped. I had no pain and footling swelling from the mallet finger. I went to an orthopedic physician two days after, no torn off os fragment, just a torn tendon. I take worn a splint for vi weeks and information technology appears to accept healed; I tin continue my finger straight, but it won't hyperextend backward like it used as well. Information technology may be because my finger is swollen. Directly is expert enough for me, I will proceed to wear the splint for at least iii more weeks. I bought ii more than types of splints, endeavor different kinds to see what you like all-time. Keep the finger direct, merely allow the finger bend at the middle knuckle. I wear a vinyl glove when taking a shower or washing the dishes. Good luck, information technology will repair itself!
Comment from: Matt, 25-34 Male person (Patient) Published: October twenty
I ended upwardly with a mallet finger subsequently a martial arts injury. Substantially got kicked and the tip of the finger must accept been bent on touch of the kick and the tip simply went limp. At that place was no swelling, no hurting, no bruising only I went and got it looked at equally I initially thought it was a muscle spasm, turns out information technology ripped off the bone. It is 8 weeks in a splint and the finger is back straight with some swelling at the knuckle which prevents some flexion but I am assuming with some rehabilitation and exercises to lengthen the tendon again I volition have total range back.
Annotate from: CatZS, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: Oct xvi
I am not really sure how my mallet finger happened just it happened after I reached for my vino at our church festival! I must have hit the table with my finger. I noticed I couldn't straighten my finger out. Not much hurting. Someone thought I may have dislocated information technology so they pulled on my finger. I got a splint on the next twenty-four hour period and I am nonetheless wearing the splint. I am nervous to take information technology off next calendar week in example my finger starts to droop again. That means starting all over again.
Annotate from: Ouch, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: August 21
On July 4th while cleaning the bathtub I slipped and jammed my heart finger. The pain was blinding, I heard it pop and immediately the fingertip hung down, turned purple and started swelling. My married man purchased a finger splint. I splinted the finger and saw the physician 2 days subsequently. Information technology is at present August 17, the finger has been splinted 24/7 and is no better. Paw surgeon on September 12 will determine if I demand surgery for the mallet finger. I think I know the answer is surgery; will follow upwardly afterwards that appointment.
Comment from: Badfinger, 55-64 Male person (Patient) Published: May 02
I was opening a large jar of sauerkraut, and the lid was besides large to fit a lid wrench. I was putting a lot of forcefulness into it, and put too much pressure as my left pinky felt like the tip popped. My finger tip would not straighten out, bent nearly 30 degrees. I could non straighten it without the assist of my other hand. I did not feel pain or swelling, just something felt wrong when it popped. I read online to put a Popsicle stick splint on it. I will be seeing a doctor before long, equally this happened on Sunday.
Comment from: Shari, 55-64 Female person (Patient) Published: January x
I was in rehabilitation for a broken shoulder and the concrete therapist had me throwing a weighted brawl onto a trampoline and catching it over my head. Afterward a few throws the ball hit my pinky finger but I didn't even discover that it was hanging until I went on to practise the next exercise. I have been in a splint in the mallet finger for 2 months. The first calendar month looked promising and my finger seemed to be healing but the second calendar month my finger started swelling and drooping and now it'southward actually strong. I will probably desire surgery if it continues to await the fashion it does.
Comment from: Jane, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: June 07
I injured my little finger in January 2016 and was diagnosed with a mallet finger. My finger was immobilized in a Stax splint. And then subsequently a few weeks the hand therapist gave me another splint. It is now June and my finger is still bent by xx degrees and I am having problems typing. I wonder if I should take an operation to set my finger.
Comment from: PetLover, 65-74 Female person (Patient) Published: September 01
I was cleaning up cat barf on a calorie-free carpeting and scrubbing with the sponge quite vigorously. Every bit I pushed forward my middle finger (right hand unfortunately) was driven forwards and under. Ouch! I immediately iced it thinking it was simply out of articulation. My husband wanted to push it back in; no! I waited over 3 weeks till the online nurse said to get to emergency room. Tendon was severed and it was splinted for over 3 months. Now information technology is in the Argent Ring Splint simply it is no better. At present I am looking into having a permanent pin put in for the mallet finger. I would rather accept it permanently straight than hanging down.
Annotate from: BigK9mama, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: April 27
I take had two mallet fingers. The starting time one was my middle finger on my right mitt virtually eight months ago. I was tucking a cover into the seat of a recliner when I hit my finger on i of the support confined of the chair. I heard a loud popular and experienced farthermost pain. The tip of my middle finger was bent at a 90 degree bending and would not move. I did non seek medical attending for it. Instead I splinted it for almost 6 weeks and it healed more often than not. The finger is usable and just locks occasionally. My 2nd mallet finger occurred about 2 or 3 months ago and was to my pinkie finger on my right mitt. I was pushing clothes into a laundry bag that was side by side to the bed headboard. I pushed my pinkie directly into the bed mail service (wooden well-nigh 4x4 inches) and heard a loud pop and immediate hurting. The tip of my pinkie was at about a 120 degree bending. The entire finger swelled and was extremely sore. I sought medical attending after a couple of days and learned that I had ruptured my ligament and fortunately did non bear witness any fractures. I was given a splint that I wore for 6 weeks. This finger has non healed well and will probably require surgery to right it. Equally of now this finger is simply 50 pct usable.
Comment from: Southward in MN, 55-64 Female person (Patient) Published: April 27
I jammed my little finger finger into our bedpost while putting laundry pocketbook. This resulted in rupturing the ligament and beingness in a splint for vi weeks. Some improvement has occurred, simply I notwithstanding have deformity in the tip of the pinkie finger and little or no mobility of the tip. I suspect that I will need surgery to repair the ligament attachment to the articulation. This has surprisingly been a very debilitating injury as I am right handed and injured my right little finger.
Comment from: Older Lady, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: April 23
I bought a new mattress, one of those xx inch thick types, simply I had my old sheets that fit just a 15 inch mattress. While pulling on the final corner, I heard a pop, pulled out my hand and saw a weird looking ring finger. Information technology was bent sideways and the tip hung lifeless. I idea this can't exist skillful. I saw the doctor three days afterward. He said if I wore the splint for half-dozen weeks, it would be fine. After six weeks the fingertip yet looked the same. The doctor said to wear it some other 2 weeks. Afterwards 8 weeks information technology even so looked the same. Now the next stride is to have it pinned for another eight weeks and the doc says in that location is no guarantee it will be straight. He told me, I simply have a 3 month window to try and fix the problem and it's getting awful shut, wish me luck. I will relay my progress subsequently the pinning operation. Also, I will need physical therapy on the injured knuckle. Moral, don't try and save coin by using old sheets on a new mattress. Figure it'll cost me nearly USD vii,000 before it'due south all said and done! New sheets were cheaper.
Comment from: bookbert, 55-64 Female person (Patient) Published: April 14
The shopping cart at the garden center had a collapsible tiptop shelf. I had to lift information technology upwardly and so it folded down. It came down earlier I expected and pinched the superlative of my finger between the shelf and the frame. After the initial smash the finger did non really hurt much but I noticed I couldn't straighten information technology. Now I am in a splint for at least half-dozen weeks and seeing a paw specialist for the mallet finger because I am a pianoforte player.
Annotate from: capemama, 45-54 Female person (Patient) Published: Apr 08
I was playing volleyball and received a hard serve in an endeavour to set the brawl. It felt a little different from a regular jammed finger. It got very tight correct away. I continued to play, attempting to protect it, then splinted it to another finger during a suspension and iced it after the game. Regular primary care physician didn't think it was broken or that tendon was damaged, but sent me for x-rays simply in instance. And then he merely had me wear a generic finger splint. Three weeks subsequently I felt no improvement and went to an orthopedist. He gave me a stacked splint and sent me to a manus specialist. My mistake was not going correct away to a manus specialist. He had a custom splint made for mallet finger and then that I could curve the healthy joints so with the new splint I am back at foursquare 1, but finally feel on the right track. Keeping the other fingers crossed!
Comment from: Doc, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: March 12
My mallet finger was caused by a dog bite (non one of my dogs) and I am experiencing very acute pain after having it splinted by a manus surgeon today. The uppermost joint was fractured and the domestic dog bite occurred 3 weeks agone.
Comment from: JT, 55-64 Male (Patient) Published: Feb 09
I was trying to remove a stale spot of paint off the floor and patently scrubbed also hard. My finger just drooped! I thought I bankrupt it; but upon independent research discovered information technology was mallet finger and went to the dr. for verification. I've had it a month with little healing. Probably I volition have to wear a splint for 8 weeks. Never had whatever hurting any. Doctor said there'due south usually over-working of the finger prior to the injury and a sudden impact or pressure level causes the trauma. I utilize Arnica on the bruised top of the finger and so wrap half a Popsicle stick with flesh-colored record as a splint and so I can still type and utilise a mouse.
Comment from: Benefaction dog, 45-54 Male person (Patient) Published: August eleven
I was diagnosed with mallet finger afterward communicable a football game with the family while on vacation. I am 5 weeks into it and have not bent the joint. I am using an oval eight splint which is less of a hurting to wearable 24/vii. Everything I read says it may heal in half-dozen weeks. I am a chip nervous about trying to bend information technology with the worry that information technology volition non straighten back out after the six weeks, then I am curious to hear from someone who has gone through it.
Annotate from: DD, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: June 04
I got my mallet finger cleaning a spot on my carpet.
Annotate from: d, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: December 20
I am about viii weeks with my splint for my mallet finger, and my finger is more swollen and hurts worse at present than when it commencement started. I am non sure this is normal. When I saw the dr. two weeks ago he said yeah, it's going to swell merely it is then painful now all the time.
Comment from: Obama sucks, 45-54 Male (Patient) Published: December 16
Baseball game hit my ring finger head on. I had a splint for eight weeks.
Comment from: Riley Fuzzell, 65-74 Male (Patient) Published: November 25
I tried to suspension upward a dog fight. I must have jammed my ring finger because it would not straighten. There was no pain or swelling. It's been in a splint for three weeks so far.
Annotate from: Alibinsd, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: August 18
I was scraping some gunk off a floor and jammed my finger. I heard a pop. My finger looked just like the mallet finger moving picture. Now it's been ii weeks with the splint and information technology'southward a pain in the butt. I have vi more weeks to go and hopefully information technology'll be normal.
Comment from: steelydawn, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: June 12
I was pulling out a long tree root from an erstwhile sandbox in the back yard. I lost my balance and my finger jammed into the ground. Thank goodness information technology was sand or it might have fractured the os.
Comment from: KLMEsq, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: September 23
I saw a bug in my bath, and while in abject terror, I grabbed a shoe and slammed it down twice to kill it. After reading all of these stories I'm worried that I broke a fragment of bone. There was no real pain until the next day. If I had merely used problems spray! I don't have insurance so I can't merely become to the doctor. I take to splint it and pray information technology heals.
Comment from: Diamo, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: September 18
I was pushing off my kick and sock with my hand when I heard a pop and got a sharp hurting (which wasn't besides bad really). I went to infirmary and had an 10-ray. It seemed fine equally far as the bones were concerned. I was given a splint and I kept the splint on for eight weeks only the finger withal droops. Subsequently weeks of wearing this, it'south disappointing information technology'southward still drooping, only I believe there are other splints which may be better.
Comment from: dmm63, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: January 04
I roughshod down 14 slippery stairs.
Comment from: Ouch, 45-54 Male (Patient) Published: November 19
A drill string wrapped around my mitt and the drill would not shut off! As the cord stopped tightening around my hand and fingers I heard a light pop! Didn't hurt whatever worse than over squeezing a finger only the terminate would not straighten! Simply had a pin shoved in the end of the two basic!! Repair hurts way worse than the injury!!! 6 to 8 weeks to heal.
Comment from: T, 25-34 Male person (Patient) Published: October 31
I got my mallet finger taking my socks off! I hateful really!? Taking my socks off? I couldn't believe it. It was even more than bothersome to hear that information technology volition take more than 8 weeks to heal. I would almost rather they simply amputate the thing.
Comment from: 25-34 Female person (Patient) Published: Oct 18
Middle finger was damaged jumping over a steel chain link contend. 17 sutures were required around the fingerpad and DIP joint. The mallet condition became evident a few weeks after the injury.
Comment from: A. Maryland, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: October 18
I put all my body's weight on fingers grasping a towel while cleaning a coffee spill in crack of car seat.
Comment from: sandladyvb, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: September 21
Rollerblading accident. I fractured my finger.
Comment from: Bradshaw, 13-18 Male (Patient) Published: September 19
I was putting on a haversack -- a heavy one as I'm an army buck. I swung it effectually my shoulder and my finger got caught behind the strap. I heard a popping noise, but even so continued on. It wasn't until I looked at my finger that I realized I could not straighten information technology and went to seek medical attending. I have made a splint and this is my fourth week after information technology happened. It's getting straighter and I have no pain, but I still can't straighten it. Hopefully it turns out alright.
Annotate from: saf, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: August 14
I was drying dishes and a frying pan slipped, knocking my little finger. The finger was still straight at this bespeak, although a little bit sore. I went to have a shower and felt something move inside the finger. When I looked at the finger, the acme office of it had bent forward and I could not straighten information technology.
Comment from: dawgpound, 25-34 Male (Patient) Published: July 12
Im a nurse and while working a patient punched my open paw and i heard a popping sound. When i left the room i noticed the tip of my finger would not go upward. Later seeing a hand specialist they said no surgery but I had to wear a special brace for seven-8 weeks. Its been well-nigh vi weeks and my finger is nevertheless swollen and sore. The worse function is the brace is causing my skin to interruption downwardly pretty bad. The all-time thing to practise is line your brace with some kind of paper towel or toilet newspaper and alter information technology oftentimes. Hopefully I sget this thing off soon...
Comment from: TWHladyinLV, 55-64 Female person (Patient) Published: June 05
I had a equus caballus-riding accident where I fell off the horse and hitting the metal rail in the arena. I bankrupt 4 ribs and had a blow-out fracture of the orbital flooring of my left eye. I had pain in my piddling finger and noticed information technology would not straighten, but my other areas of hurting where then overwhelming I didn't practice anything about the finger right abroad. Subsequently a few weeks the finger was still very painful I had it x-rayed and it showed there was a fracture at the joint. Now I am to go to a paw Medico to go a mallet brace for now.
Comment from: 45-54 Female person (Patient) Published: November 21
I was scrubbing a stain on the rug with a paw towel and I heard a pop and felt a quick jab of pain. After I finished cleaning (with other hand), I realized the tip would not go up. I fabricated a splint with 2 sticks and tape and saw a physician a few days afterwards. It has been 8 weeks wearing the splint and I am supposed to encounter a physical therapist adjacent week. I get stinging pains in the finger alot, like a needle is being pushed thru it.
Annotate from: Lolie, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: October 13
My mallet finger injury occurred as I was tucking the cover on my love seat in betwixt the creases. I heard a pop sound and looked at my fingers and realized that my index finger was hanging. I just thought my finger just needed to be popped back into place so I fabricated and appointment to see the doctor. It would have iv days to see him, and in the meantime I bumped information technology quite a fleck. This fourth dimension it really hurt and got swollen so I went to emergency. There, I found out it was a mallet finger so now I'm waiting to see a specialist and hoping my finger isn't going to be deformed. At present it has been almost four weeks without whatsoever care.
Comment from: idiot bedmaker, 55-64 Male (Patient) Published: October 12
I was making the bed and jammed my manus down the dorsum to push the sheets under the mattress. I didn't realize how short the pocket was. I heard as abrupt crack equally the flexor tendon went. I've iced it and at present I'm in a splint, but there is no real pain.
Comment from: Pianoman, 45-54 Male (Patient) Published: September 20
I've had 2 mallet finger injuries. I injury happened nine years agone while undressing. I was taking off a pair of pants that fit rather snugly. My mitt lost its grip on the waistband, of the pants; my hand slipped, and my eye finger got caught either on the pocket or the folds of fabric. This was truly a freak accident! My second mallet finger injury (on my other hand) happened just three months ago. This injury occurred as I was making the bed and shoving the sheets between the mattress and box spring. Both injuries were not painful when they occurred. I did, however, both times hear a sound as if someone had snapped their finger.
Comment from: Olive oil, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: May 31
I was cleaning the carpet with a soft fabric- heard "crunching" or "neat" sound, and when I strained up to terminate, my finger was just hanging there. Afterward 6 weeks of wearing a splint every bit the dr. prescribed, there is lilliputian/no difference. At that place was never whatever pain involved with this.
Comment from: BearRed1, 45-54 Male (Patient) Published: July xiii
I was playing basketball game and the ball striking my fingertip after a strange carom off the rim. Information technology didn't feel that bad, but I did observe swelling and the bent tip, which I could bend back into the right position, just could not maintain in that position. I fashioned a popsicle stick splint to correct the bend and give it support, then saw the doctor a mean solar day later. He recognized it as mallet finger.
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Source: https://www.emedicinehealth.com/mallet_finger/viewer-comments_em-756.htm
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